Below is the Draw of the TKO Plate 2nd round to be played on Thursday 7th July at 8.30pm.
Please be aware that you can sign new players on the night, just make sure that you put a Star against the new players name.
Any questions please contact Jay Burgess on 07368 996849
Good Luck.
1. Grapes (B) vs Newton S.S.C (B)
2. CWMC (Ship) vs Whittleford S.C - this has been move to an event on at Whittleford.
3. Milton (A) vs Hat & Rabbit
4. Dobblers (A) vs Histon R.B.L (B)
5. Milton (OZB) vs Hopbind
6. Caldecote S.C (A) vs Milton (B)
7. Hardwick S.S.C (A) vs Fulbourn Institute Amber Army
8. King Street Run (X) vs The Tigers
Jay Draw number 6 should be Caldecote social club A not B