Team KO plate 2nd Round Draw (Summer 2023) – Thursday 6th July, 8.30pm Start time.
The draw for the 2nd round of the TKO plate was done at our last committee meeting and was performed by Anita Browne (TKO and One Day Secretary) and Dan Shipp (Overall League Secretary).
The Draw in full is below. New players can be registered on the night. Please ensure these are starred on the scorecard.
CWMC (OZB) v Girton SC Hardwick SSC (B) v Hardwick SSC (A) King Street Run (X) v Ship (A) Rathmore (Q) v WT's Rumbles Ship (B) v Prem (D) Fulbourn Institute Amber Army v Bell Inn (Balsham) Tev Xcons v Over CC Newton SSC (B) v Tev (A)