These matches are to be played on Thursday 25th November 21 at 8.30pm.
PLEASE NOTE: You can register new players on the night, please put a star * against the new players name.
Please post your results in your divisional what app group.
Any questions please contact Jay.
1. White Horse (Milton) Cues vs Caldecote SC
2. King Street Run (H) vs WT’s GOATS
3. Fulbourn Institute (A) vs Brewery Tap (A)
4. Rathmore (Arbers) vs CU All Stars
5. Sir Isaac Newton (A) vs Bottisham CSSC
6. Fox (LB) vs White Horse (Foxton)
7. Bar Hill SSC (A) vs White Horse (Milton) Exports
8. Red Lion vs WT’s Uni (A)
9. Rathmore (B) vs King Street Run (A)
10. Teversham Club (Pistols) vs WT’s Sports Bar
11. Grapes (B) vs Histon RBL (B)
12. HopBind vs WT’s (YKTD)
13. CWMC (Sal (A) vs Milton (B)
14. Hat & Rabbit (A) vs Grapes (A)
15. Brewery Tap In’s vs Teversham Club (A)
16. Fulbourn SSC (R) vs Milton (OZB)
Like we said on the draw jay has moved around some of the home and away round due to some teams being at home at the same night.