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TKO Plate Candidate (Winter 2021/2022)

These are the TKO Plate candidates of which the draw will be done after the competition on Tuesday 9th November.

1. White Lion (Exiles)

2. Whittleford SC

3. King Street Run (X)

4. Fulbourn SSC (IDA)

5. Bell Inn (Balsham)

6. Dobblers (B)

7. Newton SSC (B)

8. Milton (C)

9. Fulbourn Institute (Misfits)

10. Over SSC

11. Pavillion

12. CWMC (Ship)

13. Salisbury Club (B)

14. Chestnut Tree

15. Fulbourn Institute (Amber)

16. Milton Arms (Ship)

17. Hardwick SSC (A)

18. Hardwick SSC (B)

19. Histon RBL (Z)

20. Milton (D)

21. NCI Moonshine

22. Girton SC (A)

23. Dobblers (A)

24. CU Old Skool

25. White Horse (SWY)

26. Newton SSC (A)

27. Plough (A)

28. Teversham Club (X-cons)

29. Rathmore (Q)

30. Bye – No Team.

There are 2 teams which haven’t been added to the due to them either folding within the season or haven’t showed up:

1. Bar Hill SSC (B)

2. WT’s Uni (B)

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