Below are the 2 group that are in quarter and semi final states of the TKO Cup at WT’s.
Please note: that no players can be registered on the night, but they can be registered on the 2nd January (which is a league match).
These matches will be starting slightly early at 7.30pm. So could teams start to turn up from 6.45pm and the draw will be done at 7.15pm. Each team will be given 15 minutes each to practice as normal and the times are next to your team name. If all the tables are free then you will get long on the tables.
I’ll be adding the captains over the next few days into a whats app group incase they haven’t seen any of these times.
First Round -Saturday 4th January 2020
King Street Run (H) -7pm-7.15pm
Milton 8 Ball (A) - 7pm-7.15pm
Grapes - 7.15pm - 7.30pm
WT’s Sport Bar - 7.15pm - 7.30pm
Second Round - Saturday 18th January 2020
CSC XIV 7pm - 7.15pm
Red Lion/CSC Gunz - 7pm - 7.15pm
Brewery Tap Too - 7.15pm - 7.30pm
Salisbury (A) - 7.15pm - 7.30pm
The match between Red Lion and CSC Gunz is being played on the 29/12/2019.
The Full results will be posted up once both rounds have been played.